On Saturday afternoon, my family and I left our home in Truckee, headed to Reno for my daughter’s end of the season softball party. As we neared the Nevada State line, we found ourselves in a line of cars following the CHP down the freeway. A big-rig had just gone over the side and down to the Truckee River, bursting in to flames. The driver suffered only minor injuries, but a 25 acre blaze ensued, and we were parked for 2 and 1/2 hours. No homes were threatened, as it was one of those rare days in the Truckee River Canyon when the wind was not howling. While walking on the Interstate, we made some new friends, and actually saw a couple of old ones. Very surreal to be walking on the Interstate. That was a first for me. Not how I would have “drawn-it up”, but somehow, it was not an unpleasant experience. Here’s a couple of great shots my wife took:
Some of those curves just beckon big rigs. Was it that big left turn before Floriston? Glad the driver is OK